Montréal 2023

Oral Presentation Award

1st Place

Eleni Moumos for ‘She Couldn't Say the Word Penis’: Experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities with Sex Education in Alberta, Canada

Runner up

Gracielle Schwenck for Daily associations between responses to sexual rejection and sexual and relationship well-being in couples coping with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

Data Blitz Award

1st Place

Benjamin Nguyen for When Husbands/Fathers Come Out as Gay in a Heterosexual Familial Context: A Scoping Review

Runner up

Stephanie Raposo for Similarity Between Romantic Partners’ Sexual Communal and Exchange Norms and Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction

Poster Presentation Award

1st Place

Sydney Knapman for Validation does not end at creation: Validation of the Profile of Female Sexual Functioning

Runners up

Alice Girouard for Dyadic longitudinal associations between childhood trauma and relationship satisfaction: The mediating role of attachment

Dominique Thériault for Investigating oculomotor behaviors towards virtual erotic characters among individuals with insecure and secure attachment styles: An exploratory analysis

BIPOC Research Award

Sulia'n (William) Johnson for Sexual Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous Boys and Men: Cultural and Land-Based Interventions

3rd Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 3rd annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Lauren Matheson, first author of From continua to kaleidoscopes: How plurisexuality challenges traditional conceptualizations of sexual orientation