Halifax 2024

Oral Presentation Award

1st Place

Emma Drudge for “Thoroughly lacking”: New teachers’ training to provide comprehensive sexual health education

Data Blitz Award

1st Place - Tied

Justin Shimizu for Not tonight, I’ve got a headache: Associations between sexual rejection behaviours and sexual well-being among men and gender diverse individuals with Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and their partners 

Trinda Penniston for Low sexual desire, or low desire for sex I don’t want? An examination of discrepancies in desired versus received sexual activities, and impact on sexual functioning

Poster Presentation Award

1st Place

Haeyoung Gideon Park for Partner (in)congruence in gender role attitudes and relationship satisfaction

Runners up

Naomi Cadieux for The interplay of partners' history of childhood trauma and sexual well-being in young couples

Robyn Cumben for Exploring sexuality after the death of a romantic partner.

4th Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 4th annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Zoé Benoit, first author of “Doctors asked if we are sisters or friends”: Experiences of 2S/LGBTQIA+ couples in the context of medically assisted reproduction.

Montréal 2023

Oral Presentation Award

1st Place

Eleni Moumos for ‘She Couldn't Say the Word Penis’: Experiences of 2SLGBTQ+ People with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities with Sex Education in Alberta, Canada

Runner up

Gracielle Schwenck for Daily associations between responses to sexual rejection and sexual and relationship well-being in couples coping with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

Data Blitz Award

1st Place

Benjamin Nguyen for When Husbands/Fathers Come Out as Gay in a Heterosexual Familial Context: A Scoping Review

Runner up

Stephanie Raposo for Similarity Between Romantic Partners’ Sexual Communal and Exchange Norms and Sexual and Relationship Satisfaction

Poster Presentation Award

1st Place

Sydney Knapman for Validation does not end at creation: Validation of the Profile of Female Sexual Functioning

Runners up

Alice Girouard for Dyadic longitudinal associations between childhood trauma and relationship satisfaction: The mediating role of attachment

Dominique Thériault for Investigating oculomotor behaviors towards virtual erotic characters among individuals with insecure and secure attachment styles: An exploratory analysis

BIPOC Research Award

Sulia'n (William) Johnson for Sexual Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous Boys and Men: Cultural and Land-Based Interventions

3rd Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 3rd annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Lauren Matheson, first author of From continua to kaleidoscopes: How plurisexuality challenges traditional conceptualizations of sexual orientation

Waterloo 2022

Oral Presentation Award

1st place

Melanie Gunn : “You can’t win”: Examining femmephobia, gender-policing, and the gender-tightrope that women walk

Runner up

Natalie Brown : Virtual reality erotica: Arousing or anxiety provoking?

Data Blitz Award

1st place

Katarina Kovacevic : Is spontaneous sex ideal? Beliefs and perceptions of spontaneous and planned sex and satisfaction in romantic relationships

Runners up

Justin Roberts : “Who do I need to spank?”: Navigating queer discourse and disruption of Smite's 'Fabulous' Chiron skin

Erin Fitzpatrick : Body image self-consciousness as a risk factor for sexual function problems: A longitudinal analysis of pregnant couples

Poster Award

1st place

Gracielle (Grace) Schwenck : Daily associations between affect and sexual rejection behaviours in couples coping with Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

Runner up

Claire Leighton : Sexual competence at debut: Links with authoritative parenting and sexual well-being

2nd Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 2nd annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Matvei Morozov, first author of Is bullying by peers in youth related to sexual depression in adulthood? A mediation model of shame, social anxiety, and body satisfaction.

Virtual Conference 2021

Oral Presentation Award

1st place

Trinda Penniston : Representation matters: How racial identification and racial attitudes influence sexual response to racially congruent and incongruent sexual stimuli

Runners up

Bre O’Handley : Mental well-being, social support, and unique experiences of transgender and non-binary people during the COVID-19 pandemic

Stephanie Raposo : Hanging on a moment: Savouring positive sexual experiences in relationships

Data Blitz Award

1st place

Sonia Milani : Establishing the utility of a novel online paradigm to assess attentional processing of sexual stimuli

Runners up

Nathan Leonhardt : One Line of Sexual Decline? A Growth Mixture Modeling Approach to Sexual Satisfaction in Midlife Marriage

Elisa Stragapede : Dyadic associations of pain catastrophizing and the psychological, physical, and sexual well-being of persons with endometriosis and their partners

Poster Award

1st place

Pari-Gole Noorishad : How measures can influence participant self-report: Breaking down the prevalence of technology-mediated sexual interactions (TMSI)

Runners up

Lucas Walters : I’m into it! Positive Interpretations of Bodily Sensations and Sexual Functioning

Konrad Czechowski : Survival Sex: Consent in a state of deprivation? A Scoping Review

1st Annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

The winner of the 1st annual Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award, as chosen by the editors of CJHS, is Stéphanie Gauvin, first author of It’s all Greek to me: Explaining, computing, and summarizing traditional and (re)emerging metrics of reliability for seven measures in sexual science .

Virtual Conference 2020

Data Blitz

Laura Kabbash : “How could you do this?”: A qualitative exploration of relational stress following an alleged sexual offence


Aki Gormezano : Visualizing The Overlaps And Distinctions Between Porn, Fantasy, And In-person Sexualities

Victoria 2019

Oral Presentation

Kathleen Merwin - Daily sexual talk in same- and mixed-sex couples

Data Blitz

Christopher Quinn-Nilas - Mindfulness and self-compassion as predictors of relationship and sexual satisfaction: Insights from Self-Determination Theory

Runner up: Veronique Charbonneau-Lefebvre


Laurence Dion- What about her first time? Qualitative results from a mixed method study of behavioral markers of first sex among women who have sex with women.

Runners up: Jessica Clark, Cara Dunkley, Aki Gormezano

Toronto 2018

Oral Presentation:

Rebecca Horne - The sex was good - no great! Emotion regulation in the bedroom hinders sexual and relationship well-being

Data Blitz Presentation: 

Erin Leigh Courtice - Did you really want that dick pic?: Gender differences in sending/receiving unwanted technology-mediated sexual interactions in three partner contexts.

Honourable mention: Julia McNeil: Childhood sexual assault and emotional functioning”

Poster Presentation: 

Natisha Nabbijohn - Children’s appraisals of gender variance: Understanding the emergence of negative additudes towards gender variant peers

Fredericton 2017

Oral Presentation:

Chelsea Kilimnik - Characteristics of nonconsensual sexual experiences explain  
heterogeneity in the sexual schemas of women: Implications for sexual well-being

Data Blitz Presentation: 

Stéphanie Gauvin - Are we comparing oranges to tangerines? Invariance analyses and how across-group comparisons may not be indicating what you think they are.

Poster Presentation: 

Julia McNeil - Sexual Problems or just bad sex? Longitudinal effects of sexual satisfaction and sexual problems.

Quebec City 2016

Oral Presentation: 

  • Rose Robbins - An Objectification Theory Perspective on Midlife and Beyond

Data Blitz Presentation: 

  • Carl Rodrigue - Sex without love? Casual Sexual Relationships and Experiences in Light of Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Poster Presentation: 

  • Ariel Handy - Interoceptive Awareness Moderates Relationship between Perceived and Actual Genital Arousal

Kelowna 2015

Oral Presentation: 

  • Morag Yule, UBC - Sexual Fantasy Among Asexual Individuals: An In-Depth Exploration

Pecha Kucha Presentation: 

  • Shayna Skakoon-Sparling, University of Windsor - The Impact of Sexual Arousal on Elements of Sexual Decision Making: Sexual Self-Restraint, Motivational State, and Self-Control

Poster Presentations: 

  • Jennifer Pink, Simon Fraser University - "Our Sex Life Isn't Great, But It's Not So Bad": Sexual Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Uniquely Contribute to Relationship Quality

  • Marie Faaborg-Andersen, Ryerson - Erectile Dysfunction, Childhood Emotional Abuse, and Coping Strategies in Gay Men: A Mediational Framework


Kingston: 2014


Jennifer Bossio - Queen's University
Does neonatal circumcision impact men's penile sensitivity and blood flow? 

Stephanie Shea - Simon Fraser University
Paraphilic interests, alternative sexual subcultures and psychopathology: A qualitative study on BDSM-Practitioners!

Poster Presentations

Megan Sawatsky -  University of Ottawa
Perpetrator attractiveness, victim resistance, and the propensity for consensual victim-perpetrator intercourse following nonconsensual sex. 

Jessica Maxwell - University of Toronto
Passionate or Practical? How expectations about sexual satisfaction shape sexual well-being. 

Lesleigh Pullman - University of Ottawa
A meta-analysis comparing biological and sociolegal incest offenders.  

Read More

Charlottetown: 2013


Samantha Dawson - Queens University
Gender Specificity of Solitary and Dyadic Sexual Desire Among Opposite- and
Same-Gender Attracted Women and Men

Ashley Thompson - University of New Brunswick
Three’s Company: Predicting Young Adult’s Interest in Mixed-Gender Threesomes


Shayna Sparling - University of Windsor
Motivation and Sexual Self-Efficacy Among University Students



Ottawa: 2012


Tonje Persson (Concordia University) "The Relationship Between Sexual and Emotional Attraction and Symptoms of Depression in Self-Identified Heterosexual, Lesbian, and Bisexual Women"

Megan Sawatsky (University of Lethbridge) "Victim-Perpetrator Sexual Intercourse Following Sexual Assault: The Effect of Relationship Status"





Jackie Huberman (Queen's University) "Relationship Between Impression Management and Three Measures of Women’s Self­reported Sexual Arousal"


Vancouver: 2011

30 Minute Presentation

Kerri Gibson (The sexual and relationship well-being of women in relationships: The impact of child sexual abuse)

15 Minute Presentation

Samantha Dawson (A real turn off: A test of the preparation hypothesis of women's genital arousal)


Toronto: 2010

30 Minute Presentation 

John Sakuluk (Factors influencing university students' implicit and explicit attitudes towards the double standard)


15 Minute Presentation

Stephanie Thibault-Gagnon (Pelvic floor muscle anatomy and function in women with provoked vestibulodynia)


Halifax: 2009

Corey Isaac (Development of a Two-Person Model of Condom Use Intentions and Behaviour) 

Montreal: 2008

30 Minute Presentations 

Tina Laundry (Dyspareunia in adolescent girls)

Krystelle Shaughnessy (Predicting cybersex: The role of gender and attitudes)

15 Minute Presentations

Evelyne Gentilcore- Saulnier (Pelvic floor physiotherapy) 

Melissa Farmer (A mouse model of provoked vestibulodynia)


Banff: 2007

Natalie Rosen  (Sources of Uncertainty in HPV)

Ottawa: 2006

Tuuli Kukkonen (Thermal imaging of sexual arousal in women and men)

Deanne Simms (Gender differences in sexual satisfaction in dating couples)