CSRF 2016 Social Event and After Dark details

This year we've moved our social event and After Dark session to Friday night, to give you even more free time Thursday evening to enjoy everything that Quebec City has to offer.

Tickets to our cocktail event are now selling fast, and space is limited, so pick yours up soon so you don't miss out! You can buy your tickets online on the registration page at https://csrf.squarespace.com/registration, even if you've already registered for the conference. Simply add the social event to your cart, and proceed directly to the checkout. If you haven't yet registered, make sure to add the cocktail event to your cart in addition to your registration. Tickets may be available at the door, but only if we don't reach capacity first. Buying online ensures you'll get in.

Why should you come to the cocktail event? Great question! Here's why:

- Free drinks (2 per ticket) and apps!
- Everyone else will be there!
- That professor/colleague you've always looked up to? They'll be there. And you can talk to them!
- That student who's in the grad program you want to get into? They'll be there, too, waiting to give you all the inside info you'll need!
- If you don't go, you'll suffer from Fear of Missing Out.
- It's a great way to gear up for our amazing After Dark session.

As always, the After Dark session is free for all registered conference attendees. We've just completed the final details, so I'll have more information for you in the coming days. I can tell you that this will probably be one of the most fun, entertaining, and exciting After Darks we've ever had, and it will start immediately after the cocktail event. You definitely don't want to miss this one. It's scheduled to end with plenty of time left to hit the famous cafes, restaurants, pubs, and clubs of Quebec City.

As always, follow us on Twitter, @_CSRF, for all the latest updates. Now go out and get your cocktail event ticket!

Final program posted for CSRF2016

We're only two weeks away from CSRF Quebec City 2016!

1. Final program

The final program is posted at http://www.canadiansexresearchforum.com/2016/. There have been some minor changes since the draft was posted, so please check to ensure you know when you're presenting.

2. Registration reminder

We're nearing capacity and registration will soon come to a close. Just a reminder that every presenter must also be registered for the conference. Presenters who are not registered will not be able to present. You can register now at https://csrf.squarespace.com/registration.

3. Information for presenters

Information for data blitz and poster presenters can be found at https://csrf.squarespace.com/information-for-presenters. Please be sure your presentation conforms to the guidelines.

As always, please don't hesitate to contact Jonathan Huber if you have any questions. Follow us on Twitter, @_CSRF, for the most up-to-date information.

More accommodation options (mostly for students)

Our partners at the Quebec City tourism office have passed along some additional suggestions for accommodations that might be of special interest to students. Most are just a short distance from the conference site.

1. Youth hostels: http://www.quebecregion.com/en/where-to-sleep-hotels/accommodation-search/?hostingType=044

2. Student residences: http://www.quebecregion.com/en/where-to-sleep-hotels/accommodation-search/?hostingType=0490

3. Hotels outside of the core. Quebec City isn't very big. There is some hotel availability outside of the downtown core, which in some cases is only 2 - 5 kms from the conference site.

As always, we'll update you as we get more information. If you currently have a room at Le Concorde, the conference site, and you opt to take advantage of one of these other options, please confirm that your cancelled room is returned to our room block at the hotel. You may also use the listserv to facilitate trades, exchanges, or room shares.