Dear CSRF Members,

I am writing to invite you to consider making a nomination for one of our CSRF awards - the CSRF Outstanding Contribution Award, and the CSRF Service Award.  Information about these awards is below.  If you would like to nominate someone please send the nomination to our Past President, Nathan Lachowsky, by June 30, 2022.  Nathan Lachowsky:

CSRF Outstanding Contribution Award

This award is made to recognize outstanding contributions to research, education, policy or clinical practice in human sexuality/sexology in Canada.  The individual will, through their work, have advanced the field of sexuality research or enhanced the sexual health and well-being of Canadians.  This work may include activities such as publishing in scholarly journals, publishing edited or popular press books, developing training programs or therapeutic approaches, sex education in the media, political activism or leadership or other such activities.  

Members of the Executive Council are not eligible to nominate an individual for this award or to be nominated themselves. Nominations should include a detailed letter of support and the CV of the nominee.

CSRF Service Award

This award is made to recognize outstanding contributions to CSRF, the organization. 

Members of the Executive Council are eligible to nominate an individual for this award, but not to be nominated themselves. Nominations should include a detailed letter of support and the CV of the nominee.

We hope you will consider putting someone who has served CSRF, or the field of sexuality, forward for one of these honours.